iPhones: The Misunderstood Villian

7:56 AM

If I had a dollar for every time I heard an adult commenting on teen cell phone usage, I'd be rich.
Sure, phones can be used for vapid forms of entertainment, but they can also be used for learning. 

Every morning, I use the Quizlet app to help me study for my challenging biology class. It's an awesome application: one can make virtual flashcards, games, and practice tests. Phones can also be used to view Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents, all of which teachers regularly post online for their students. YouTube videos provide endless amounts of content on any subject. Crash Course, a channel started by John and Hank Green, has educational videos from English to micro-biology.

Cell phones can be used for Snap Chat and Candy Crush, but they can also be used to study. So, the next time you see me stuck to my screen, please keep your condescending 'kids and their phones' comments to yourself.

an misunderstood screen-dweller

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